Alphabolin (vial)

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Effects of taking

  • Preservation of muscle mass. Alphabolin (vial) is usually not used to increase muscle volume, but after or at the end of courses of more powerful androgenic and anabolic steroids to save volumes.
  • A set of muscle mass. Although muscles grow very slowly with Alphabolin, the drug has practically no recoil phenomenon, and everything accumulated remains with the athlete. But, of course, athletes who are not aware of the use of a steroid solo with the primary goal of weight gain, usually remain unhappy with the results.
  • The increase in power indicators.
  • Minimal risk of side effects.

How to take Alphabolin (vial)

As already mentioned, the effect of the drug can be described as “soft.” Therefore, the course Alphabolin can last up to about two months. Longer use of the steroid is not recommended because the risk of side effects increases significantly. The dosage of methenolone enanthate is 400 milligrams per week. Upon completion of the course, it is recommended that PCT be held. It is better to start taking steroids after consulting with a sports doctor.

The question of how to take Alphabolin in combination with other anabolic and AAS, is relevant, given its weak anabolic effect. Mass-based courses are often supplemented by Nandrolone (the optimal choice for achieving significant results with minimal risk of unwanted adverse reactions), Testosterone, Anadrol, Winstrol, Methandrostenolone and Sustanon.

Side effects

Alphabolin (vial) does not cause the development of gynecomastia and edema, raising the level of harmful cholesterol and blood pressure. The decrease in testosterone levels is insignificant, and usually does not require the use of special regenerative agents. But still, in the case of long courses and large dosages, gonadotropin is recommended. The androgenic effect of Alfabolin on Alpha Pharma is small. Possible occurrence of increased excitability, aggression and insomnia. In general, side effects from Alphabolin are an exception to the rule, not a pattern.