Pharma Mix M

SKU: 12013

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Pharma Mix M from Pharmacom Labs is a steroid preparation based on a mixture of drostanolone esters. Form release – liquid for injection, 10 ml ampoules with a dosage for pharma mix m 300 of 30.

Pharma Mix M Pharmacom Labs is used as an effective means to increase strength indicators without the need to recruit large amounts of muscle. The composition of the product contains two main active ingredients – Drostanolone enanthate and Drostanolone propionate, which have different absorption rates. This feature guarantees obtaining a prolonged result in keeping the athlete’s hormonal levels at an unsuitable level.

Being an aromatase inhibitor, the drug is not subject to conversion into estrogen. Steroid profile is expressed in moderate anabolic factor and high androgenic effects.

Effects of PharmaMix M PharmaCom Labs

  • Strengthening physical performance, in particular, strength.
  • moderate increase in muscle mass without pronounced volume surges;
  • elimination of fat layers to get dry muscles;
  • preservation of the gained result due to the pronounced catabolic effect;
  • minimizing the concentration of globulin in the circulatory system, which prevents the binding of sex hormones.

Due to the high androgenic activity, taking the drug is fraught with the risk of symptoms of virilization, acne, alopecia, prostate hypertrophy and increased aggression pharma mix m 300 review.

Mode of application

The course Pharma Mix M (Masta Mix 300) lasts about 8 weeks, injections are carried out once a week, the dosage varies between 400-500 milligrams. However, everything is determined individually, and before starting a course it is best to undergo a medical examination and consult with a doctor. As for how to take Masta-Mix in combination, the best combinations “for relief” are the mixes of drostanolone with stanozolol or oxandrolone (based on the affinity of drostanolone for androgenic receptors), for the “mass” with testosterone (but at the same time development of own hormone is suppressed).