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Oxydrolone, a formidable anabolic and androgenic steroid, hails from Alpha Pharma, India. With oxymetholone as its primary ingredient, each release contains 50 tablets at 50 milligrams. Originally designed for medical applications, this steroid’s anabolic activity reaches 320% of testosterone, with an androgenic ratio of 45%. Though no longer used medically, it retains significance in the sports realm, with emerging potential against HIV infection.

Potent Effects of Oxydrolone

  • Muscle Hypertrophy: Oxydrolone is unmatched in promoting muscle growth. Non-competitive athletes can expect substantial muscle gains, often up to 15 kilograms in a solo cycle, despite the rebound effect that might reduce this achievement.
  • Enhanced Strength: Users experience notable strength improvements.
  • Joint Pain Relief: Oxydrolone alleviates joint discomfort.
  • Globulin Concentration Reduction: This effect synergizes with other steroids in the course, amplifying their efficacy.
  • Body Composition Benefits: Even among non-exercisers, Oxydrolone can yield up to 5 kilograms of muscle mass, coupled with reduced body fat, particularly in the abdominal region.

Usage and Properties of Oxydrolone

Oxydrolone is a formidable oral steroid with a 15-hour duration and up to two months of detectability in doping tests. Its application is prudent during the preparatory phase. However, due to out-of-competition scrutiny, professional athletes tread with caution.

Oxydrolone for Sale: Sourcing Authentic Alpha Pharma Product

To buy Oxydrolone, ensure authenticity by purchasing from reputable sources. Numerous platforms offer Oxydrolone for sale in the USA. Research is pivotal to secure safe and effective gains.