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HCG 2000IU


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Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG 2000IU) is derived from the urine of pregnant women, while Menopausal is extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women. Although both possess properties of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), chorionic gonadotropin leans more towards mimicking LH, and menopausal emulates FSH.

These hormones find applications in conventional medicine, treating a range of sexual disorders in both genders. Particularly, HCG 2000IU assists women facing issues related to pregnancy and ovulation.

Usage in Strength Sports

In the domain of strength sports, chorionic gonadotropin garners immense popularity. Menopausal, however, is lesser sought after, typically used when confronting issues linked to spermatogenesis following the cessation of a steroid cycle and PCT (post course therapy). In severe cases linked to progestins usage (like nandrolone, trenbolone, oxymetholone), menopausal gonadotropin is viewed as a final resort.

Administering HCG 2000IU

HCG 2000IU is readily available, with many opting to buy HCG 2000IU online or at pharmacies without prescriptions. Sold as injections for subcutaneous or intramuscular use, the medicine is mixed with an accompanying special fluid within the ampoule. When injected intramuscularly, the drug displays rapid absorption, exerting effects for about 5-6 days.

Short Course Recommendations

For anabolic steroid cycles lasting less than 5-6 weeks, HCG 2000IU isn’t typically needed.

Long Course and High Dosage Recommendations

If an individual is on extended anabolic steroids or consumes them in substantial quantities, it’s advised to administer HCG 2000IU twice weekly, ranging between 250-500 IU. For those who didn’t use HCG during intense courses, it’s suggested to incorporate it during post-course therapy, with dosages amounting to 2000 IU, taken bi-daily for a 3-week span.

Continuous Use Recommendations

Professional athletes consistently on anabolic steroids might consider incorporating HCG 2000IU continuously. After its 5-week stint, a 1-2 week break is recommended.

Potential Side Effects

Usage of HCG 2000IU comes with a set of possible side effects:

  • Suppressed production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
  • Disruptions in the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles axis.
  • Gynecomastia onset.
  • Acne breakout.
  • Baldness coupled with increased body hair.
  • Masculinization observed in females.
  • Prostate size augmentation.